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on the trinityの例文


  • The Guinness harp motif is modelled on the Trinity College Harp.
  • She has also been seen on the Trinity Broadcasting Network ( TBN)
  • As a result, Debra opens an investigation on the Trinity Killer.
  • The warden lives, with his family, on the Trinity Hall site.
  • She began appearing regularly on the Trinity Broadcasting Network.
  • He also wrote a treatise on the Trinity probably against the Arian Visigoths.
  • A levee on the Trinity River protects the site from flooding, Peters said.
  • His sermons are broadcast nationally on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and Black Entertainment Television.
  • Have you read our article on the Trinity?
  • For instance, Gallant writes mostly on paedocommunion, and Smith on the Trinity.
  • Studies on the Trinity in Hegel and Schelling.
  • The 1995 Senior Games were taking place on the Trinity University campus in San Antonio.
  • The agents work in a spacious room that looks out on the Trinity River flood plain.
  • Dahn has since made several additional network appearances on the Trinity Broadcasting Network ( TBN ).
  • Today, the program airs daily around the world on the Trinity Broadcast Network and Daystar Television.
  • If someone critices JW position on the Trinity or hellfire, that would be a doctrinal criticism.
  • English has also been invited to sing with the Gaither Vocal Band and on the Trinity Broadcasting Network.
  • In 1708 9 Whiston was engaging Thomas Tenison and John Sharp as archbishops in debates on the Trinity.
  • Under the influence of Origen of Alexandria Theognostus expounded on the trinity, divine redemption and the afterlife.
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